
Myolift Ultra


Beach Lashes & Tanning offers an innovative skincare procedure to remove wrinkles, rejuvenate skin texture and remove years off of your face! Myolift Ultra is a true micro-current technology that is safe and effective in bringing results for skin issues ranging from wrinkles, fine lines, dehydration, acne, large pores to sagging skin. Ultrasound therapy helps build blood circulation and promotes regeneration of skin cells, while Micro-current gives benefits of building ATP and Collagen and facial exercising. You will see results in the first treatment, however, it builds with series of treatments.

$135 Single Treatment

$345 Series of 3 Treatments

myoliftresults juanita3

  • Increases Elastin production
  • Improves Collagen Formation
  • Increases Blood Circulation

  • Tightens Pores & Rehydrates Skin
  • Facilitates Product Penetration
  • Enhances Firmness and Contour


How it works as seen on NBC: